Advent Reflection - Roads

13th December 2023

Advent Reflection - Roads

"John replied in the words of Isaiah the prophet, “I am the voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way for the Lord.’” John 1:23

Whenever something new is being built, the first things to be constructed are the roads. The builders can then access the construction site to bring in machinery and materials. When the buildings are complete, the roads are finished off and the people who use the buildings can travel in and out. When access is blocked, or there are obstacles, the project cannot be completed. In Kent, we all know only too well how frustrating it is to try to travel around when the roads are blocked!

John the Baptist is a way-maker, a road-builder for the Lord Jesus and his coming Kingdom. He helps to remove obstacles by baptizing those who confessed their sins and repented. He helped make a way to the Lord and for the Lord. As we remember John the Baptist and prepare for Christmas, how can we help to clear the way?




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